An orphaned squirrel that became a social media star called Peanut was euthanized after New York authorities
seized the beloved pet during a raid on his caretaker's home. The story began seven years ago when Mark
Longo found Peanut after seeing his mother get hit by a car in New York City.
After anonymous complaints, officers from the state's department of environmental conservation (DEC) took
the squirrel and a raccoon named Fred from Longo's home near the Pennsylvania border in rural Pine City on
Despite tens of thousands of signatures in an online petition demanding Peanut's return, wild animals are
considered property in New York. The DEC and Chemung county department of health confirmed both animals were
euthanized to test for rabies.
Peanut had amassed tens of thousands of followers on social media platforms, where he was shown performing
tricks, eating waffles, and wearing miniature hats. His tragic end has sparked discussions about wildlife
rehabilitation laws and regulations.